Performing Arts - My Experience - 4 Weeks In

Wow, four weeks have passed since I joined this course and I am determined to keep up with these types of post. As I've probably said a million times, It really would have helped me when choosing what course to take for college. And I'm definitely going to be using the same adjectives from another post because not a lot has changed for me, I'm just hoping to enlighten you more!

First of all, I have NEVER BEEN THIS TIRED. And I'm not kidding. I get Monday and Wednesday afternoons off and I am not joking when I say there is a 60% chance of mid afternoon naps happening here every week. It seems that my timetable gives me four incredibly busy and high pace days that flash by like a whirl wind, and three very chill but also course work packed days. So just because I'm in bed on those three days, doesn't mean I'm not working my fingers to the bone. Now, I bet that sounds like a very intense description and it's not all bad because while I'm absolutely exhausted, I'm also having the time of my life. It's like after GCSE's the only way is up.

This month has taught me quite a lot so to make this easy I'm going to kind of split it into key words and elaborate from that. I don't know if you understand but I do so just keep reading!

Hard Work + Dedication

This month has taught me that if I want that Distinction star and to be able to be on stage as a career, then I need to be hard working and dedicated. This means that I need to be willing to come back after hours and rehearse things, rehearse things at home in my own time and to keep up with my course work. The course work I am doing at the minute is part of 3 projects and I called project 1. (duh what else would it be called ) Inside project 1, we do other small projects. At the minute that is for me, a contemporary dance project with an assessment afterwards, a solo narrative song and a collaborative project with media students who are shooting us in a short scene. This means that although I need to keep my website updated with what skills I'm using, what I'm finding difficult e.c.t, I also need to be applying my attention to my other projects. Can you see why I'm so tired?


I hate to break it to you, but if this isn't something you are absolutely set on doing then you may find it hard to dedicate so much time effort. Now I'm not telling you that just because you like it a little that that's not good enough. I'm also not telling you that you wont pass if you aren't passionate. Not at all! There is every reason for you to pass. I just think passion definitely helps. If you like what you are doing and you can see yourself doing something similar later on in life then you are definitely on the right track. But I think you would know if you aren't particularly on the right track. And if you have no idea what you want to do (which is also fine) or you've chosen it because you think it'll be easy, then you may be in for a little more work than you bargained for. I think of it this way, if you work hard at something you love, then it's not really hard work is it? Because you enjoy it and it doesn't feel like you are working. Well that's what it feels like for me at least. (I hope all this is making sense?? My head has so much in it, it's really hard for me to articulate it properly)

I also think that a lack of passion has meant that two people have left our course. One guy left because the girl he recently hooked up with/are shagging/are in a really gross and unhealthy relationship, decided to part ways. Now I do reckon that if he had a sincere passion for this stuff, he would have stayed, even if it was awkward. But he left the course. He basically let his willy dictate his future, to put it bluntly. And another girl has left the course to pursue a career at burger king. Yes I did just say burger king. Yes I know, I'm totally not judging here, but WOW...

Time Scheduling

These past 4 weeks have really shown me that; 1. I need to go to sleep at an appropriate time. 2. I need to check the time when I get ready in the morning. 3. Buses aren't reliable AT ALL. 4. Personal life is a no no, most of the time you have is going to be spent rehearsing or working. 

For me, I need to know what bus I'm getting on the night before, not the morning of. And for me, it's not as simple as getting the same bus everyday. I need to factor in the walk from the bus station to college, whether the bus will be on time or not, if I need to get in early to do work or to rehearse or practice something. It's all about the planning people!!! This way a lot less things can go wrong, the plan is already set in place. 

Plan the time you're going to spend working, or rehearsing and plan your down time. Schedule in to have a bath so you absolutely don't miss it, and for me I schedule when i'm watching this episode of Victoria. (that shiz is so good you need to binge watch the whole thing and fantasize about it when you day dream, seriously) For me, planning bed time isn't as easy because we all know the internet is a bottomless pit that mercilessly steals innocents hours of their "sleepy go bye byes time". I am also a victim of the good old facebook or youtube deep dive and I am not ashamed. But I know that by 11 I really need to think of closing my eyes. 


Within the course, I have to be comfortable with every single member of my class because I have to work with them to produce quality pieces of work. This means that even if I haven't ever spoken to this person before, I need to forget all that awkwardness that's pilling in my brain and get on with it. This is where socialising with people really helps. Even if it's saying hello to them, or asking how they are, I am establishing that I want to speak to them and that in turn, I am comfortable with them. This has definitely helped with working with people for the first time. I'm not saying that you need to instantly go and facebook messenger every single one of your class members because that would be weird, but being able to have a short small talk convo with someone can not only break the ice, but also help you to make professional friendships with everyone. It makes life easier, you wont be the weird scary looking person that people don't want to talk to because you will already have surprised them with your beautiful smile and fabulous conversation that puts people at ease.

Team Work

A lot of the work I do on this course is work as an ensemble. So it's really important to be able to work with others collaboratively. You've got to be able to listen to others and also put your ideas across while also being open minded and flexible. If you can't then there might be some arguments within your group. I suppose it's all about that balance, now you know why it's taken me a month to realise all these things. Trial and error baby!! 

That's all for today, I've had a massive spurt of motivation and given you two blog posts and I'm also going to give you a sneaky pic of my beautiful doggy just because I love ya! Feast your eyes guys!!!

Lots of love, 


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