My Sister's 18th Birthday
Hello! It seems like ages since I have blogged but lots of things have happened! To start, my sister turned 18 and my best friend turned 16, school has been as demanding as ever and I have some mock exams coming up. Work has been crazy and I've been decoration the shop and helping on our market stall for the last two weekends. And I still need to buy Christmas presents before it's too late!
I thought I would include a picture of the birthday cake I made my for my sister. (I have to say I have never been more proud of something than I am now) It is a lemon drizzle sponge with ombre pink butter cream icing. Now, if your on a diet, I would not advise this cake. It has around 900 grams of butter in altogether and around 700 grams of icing sugar in the icing so I would definitely not recommend it. But for an occasion like an 18th birthday I think I can say it made the cut. And, without sounding boastful I even took a slice into school for my bestie and I had friends fighting over getting a bit. So I would say that it's a win!
Watch out for a Chocolate Christmas Cake Recipe Soon! And I'm feeling festive so keep an eye out! Byee xx
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