The Naivety of Year 8 Friendships.

So, it's been an incredibly long and tiring few days so I've decided to "let myself off" on todays blog post and be a little lazy. After a gruelling couple hours of doing my homework I decided to take a break and have a stroll through the mind of my 13 year old self in the form of a digital diary. And just to say there are 2 entries and one of which exclaims how bad I was at keeping a real diary. Just for proof of how difficult it is even keeping a digital diary. So, may I present to you a "copy and pasted version" of the 2 solemn entries of my digital diary. I hope you enjoy delving into the mind of the 13 year old me.


I have decided to make a digital diary as I think it may be easy to keep to as I am not very good at keeping a tight schedule on things. I have started to get quite depressed, ha-ha that sounds weird saying it like that. I have been hoping this would get things metaphorically “off my chest”. I have previously kept diary’s but I am not very good and I tend to make entry’s months apart. A lot of things have happened in the last 6 months and to start they haven’t been the best. But maybe I will go into deals later on in this diary. J


It all started back in October 2014. My , once, best friend Helen invited me over to her house for a sleep over. I accepted and we carried on y’ah know, just being friends. After we had gone trick or treating…. This was Halloween… I slept over her house… her house wasn’t the tidyest. There where cracks in the walls, which I do not care for that much. The bath was brown inside and the house hadn’t been hovered at least for a six months. The kitchen tops where sticky and the house was perpetuously cold. Not to mention for about 6 months her dad was trying to expand their house.

Now, coming from an extremely explicably clean household. I almost felt sick being there sorry if I may sound harsh. To you this might not seem that bad. But if you had to sleep on the cold floor on top of a dusty food encrusted rug, I don’t think you would like it either. Not to mention I had to stay explicitly polite…

Despite this I carried on being her friend because it I not like it is her fault parents can’t keep a house clean enough to live in. Later on in that month, we go to a local hockey club that she does not attend anymore, I decided that i wanted to do drills with someone else named phoebe. Helen took that the wrong way and decided to ignore me for a week and not tell me why she ignored me. Finally one Morning before school when I asked her for the last time what was up… she replied with “ well it seems like you have become best friends with phoebe now so why are you bothering with me.” Astonished that she thought this way after messing up her friendship with one of my close friends earlier on in the year I replied with, “ well, if you keep ticking of your friends like this, then you will have non left…” and proceeded to storm out and go and try to calm down before school started. This enlightened me into how paranoid she was about me finding someone else even remotely better that her.

We both ignored each other for about 2 weeks until I sought help of our school counsellor.

She tried to explain to Helen that she got the wrong end of the stick and was being childish and also asked her if we could try to be friends again. Helen was having none of this when even before the councillor said anything to her, in the councillors words “I’m not friends with Lottie anymore,  we are done.” The councillor then proceeded to tell her what I said but Helen was not having it. I haven’t spoken to her since…. But she has metaphorically “dug” at me with small comments and stared at me ever since. Then one of my close friend’s who is my best friend currently, had said that when I supposedly lost my sports kit, which actually fell out of my bag in another class room, but Helens idea of that was that I purposefully lost my kit so I didn’t have go out onto the courts with her and my friend.. This showed how paranoid Helen was and how if she never puts into a friendship or relationship then it will never last, its like a magnet. You need force from both sides to make it work.

Wow, that took me way longer that I expected!!!! It was nice to get that metaphorically “off my chest”!! xx


Wow, the metaphors! Unfortunately, Helen and I never rekindled our friendship but we have moved on and don't "bother" each other at all anymore. I hope that was entertaining, I sure was a bit judge-y on the whole house thing. And as a "proper" teenager now I can say that I am fully accepting of messy places and rooms because it would be completely hypocritical if I wasn't okay with them. It's funny my mum went so mad she invented "bin liner Monday" on her only day off from work. If our rooms weren't tidy by every Monday each week for when she came in to dust, she would pile all the stuff into a bin liner so that we could sort through it and put it all away. If it wasn't sorted through by Wednesday (the day the bin men come) then the bin liner would go out with the rest and get sent to the tip. Thankfully I bucked up my ideas enough to stop all my stuff from getting sent tot he tip. Imagine that though, "umm, well I haven't got the birthday present I bought you Rebecca because I didn't tidy my room and to make a long story short, its in the tip." I don't think that would go down well.

That's all for this week though I think although I may surprise you all if I'm feeling keyboard-happy(get it, like trigger-happy on an xbox but on a keyboard instead, aaaah I should probably go to bed I forget how delirious I get when I do a "double shot" of homework on 4 hours of sleep. Blame The Notebook and The Vampire Diaries for keeping me up. ) Goodbye! x


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