Wowee! What a wonderful weekend I had, it makes me even happier to share my time on here too! I'll jump right in I think, lots was jam packed into the 3 ish days!
After landing, my uncle went to work and had insured my dad on his car so we could "find" our way to his house which isn't close to the airport, luckily, no journey in Guernsey takes more than 25 minutes because of the size of the island. At around 8:30 am we got to my uncles house and I was finally reunited with my little cousin! He's been so excited for our arrival that he made a surprize wedding for me and him on Minecraft which commenced later that afternoon (he's so adorable, I think we are definitely each others favourite cousins). After everyone finished their breakfasts my mum, nan, auntie and I went to St Peter Port on a girly trip to pick up a few bits that we couldn't take in our hand luggage but definitely needed. After around an hour and a half walking through the shops and have a good catch up we went back to pick up the rest of the gang to then visit my other cousin's (the one getting married) halfway renovated house. By the time we had finished at around 1:30 pm we then went to lunch at a café in L'Ancresse which had a beautiful view of the beach.
Ahhh, this is absolutely my favourite place on earth, even if I'm not very well travelled. After lunch, we went to the famous Aladdin's Cave (which is within walking distance form my uncles house! JACKPOT, that is the best shop in the world, it has EVERYTHING)while my auntie got some shopping for a BBQ later. After returning back and having my wedding with my little cousin, my mum and I made a gluten free apple pie which we ate later with the BBQ. At around 6 pm all the guests arrived which was practically a quarter of Guernsey since its so small. That evening we caught up with the rest of the family which was really lovely. I definitely went to sleep that night (more like morning, I went to sleep well after 12pm) happier than I've been in a very long while.
Friday 18th August 2017 ❤
At 5 am we got up and got ready to leave at 5:45 am. Luckily for us the airport we were travelling to was 10 minutes away which made things somewhat easier. After dropping the car off in the airport car park and walking the long walk to the airport we came a cross some trouble in security not realising passengers were only allowed 1 plastic bag of liquids in their hand luggage. Unfortunately for us, we only used hand luggage for the short trip we were on and were going to a wedding so weren't going to skimp on our makeup. So after embarrassingly shoving all our toiletries into three rather than four bags we made our way to sit in the departure lounge and chill. Within half an hour our flight was called and we then made our way to the gate an then to our plane! Luckily for my mum, (who hates flying) the flight is only 30 minutes at the most so we got to Guernsey very quickly. Might I add, almost all flights (including ours, my grandparents, my uncles and my great aunt and unlces) are delayed due to fog in Guernsey so although the flight may be quick you might be waiting a while to get on it. Here are some shots of the journey as always!After landing, my uncle went to work and had insured my dad on his car so we could "find" our way to his house which isn't close to the airport, luckily, no journey in Guernsey takes more than 25 minutes because of the size of the island. At around 8:30 am we got to my uncles house and I was finally reunited with my little cousin! He's been so excited for our arrival that he made a surprize wedding for me and him on Minecraft which commenced later that afternoon (he's so adorable, I think we are definitely each others favourite cousins). After everyone finished their breakfasts my mum, nan, auntie and I went to St Peter Port on a girly trip to pick up a few bits that we couldn't take in our hand luggage but definitely needed. After around an hour and a half walking through the shops and have a good catch up we went back to pick up the rest of the gang to then visit my other cousin's (the one getting married) halfway renovated house. By the time we had finished at around 1:30 pm we then went to lunch at a café in L'Ancresse which had a beautiful view of the beach.
Ahhh, this is absolutely my favourite place on earth, even if I'm not very well travelled. After lunch, we went to the famous Aladdin's Cave (which is within walking distance form my uncles house! JACKPOT, that is the best shop in the world, it has EVERYTHING)while my auntie got some shopping for a BBQ later. After returning back and having my wedding with my little cousin, my mum and I made a gluten free apple pie which we ate later with the BBQ. At around 6 pm all the guests arrived which was practically a quarter of Guernsey since its so small. That evening we caught up with the rest of the family which was really lovely. I definitely went to sleep that night (more like morning, I went to sleep well after 12pm) happier than I've been in a very long while.
Saturday 19th August 2017 ❤
At around 8 am I got up and dressed and my mum and I caught a lift with my uncle while he was on the way to pick up my other uncle(aaahhh all these uncles!)because i'd been promising my nan i'd buy her a lipstick that wouldn't come off for months.
Then, after my nan and auntie came back from their hair appointment we ate lunch and I spent an embarrassing hour on my makeup, all 9 of us piled into two cars and made our way to the church to arrive at 1:15pm. When the bride arrived at 1:45pm the ceremony lasted around 2 hours and then we made our way to the reception. At the hotel we chatted, took pictures, ate the hors d'oeuvres and chatted some more before we entered the reception room at around 4:30pm. After the speeches we ate our wonderful3 course meal at around 6 o'clock and then partied until 12pm. During that time I had a nearly 3 hour convo with my uncle about just about everything which was really insightful. At around 10 o'clock I went outside and rang my sister and had a good chat with her. She didn't end up coming to Guernsey because she wanted to stay with the dog which for me was a little scary because we always have each other to cling to at family events.
Unfortunately, I was too ravenous to take pictures of my starter and main but they went in this order; Asparagus wrapped in Parma ham, Salmon with Asparagus and New Potatoes and Vanilla Crème Brule with not mint or pistachio ice cream like you might thing. It was, wait for it...... Marzipan! My uncle got to enjoy the ice cream since he loves marzipan.
Sunday 20th August 2017 ❤
Since my Auntie, Uncle, Cousin, Nan and bumps stayed at the hotel that night when we woke up my parents, my uncle and I went to both Cobo Bay and L'ancresse for a walk. By the time we returned we ate some lunch and the rest of the family, quite hungover unfortunately, returned. After packing up our bags we went to the air port and proceeded to catch our flight back to rainy England.

I though i'd include a map so you can see all the places we went! I feel so lucky to be able to visit so often and will continue to visit which my little cousin will be delighted to hear. I also think it's fair to mention that I think I love Guernsey so much because a lot of people I love live there and its like a home away from home with tropical beaches!!!
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