Good Morning, afternoon, evening, or whichever one you need. Hello! I decided to incorporate my Hair and Skin Essentials because I have quite little of each. I love to make my hair feel super sleek and shiny and volumous and my face soft as a baby's bum bum, but that stuff is expensive, so I have a little but love them all a lot! I thought today would be a good opportunity to share them with you all especially my fellow dry skin/hair chums! Let's get into it! I'll do skin first I think. x
Skin Care.
These are the Simple Kind To Skin Protecting and Replenishing Facial Moisturisers. As I have sensitive and dry skin it is essential to keep it moisturised and smooth, and that's where these bad boy's come in. I use the one with SPF 15 in on my face for the day and it doesn't break up my foundation at all. For night time, after I have washed all my make up off I use the Rich Replenishing Moisturiser which works a treat. Both of these moisturisers sink into the skin and don't leave a grease-y aftermath at all. They are fragrance and dye free so they are great for sensitive skin too. Over all, I have rebought both of these moisturisers probably more that 5 times each so you can take it from me, they do their job. I have had minimal problems with this brand and I think it is a really affordable good quality brand to go with!

As you can see, I have bought a giant bottle of this stuff because I go through it like oxygen! This is the Simple Kind To Skin Micellar Cleansing Water and I love it. This stuff removes everything but it doesn't sting like most face wipes and it leaves your skin feeling so clean and fresh with no sticky or grease-y residue. It was probably a bit stupid for me to buy such a big bottle because about 2 days after getting it I spilt it all over my desk and that's why it looks like I've been using it for longer (I swear I'm only a little bit clumsy!). But anyway, this stuff is great.

I use these two products in conjunction and my lips aren't happed yet! (lets hope winter isn't too hard on us!) I usually put the Blistex Intensive Moisturiser in my blazer pocket to use at school because the EOS one is a bit bulky and I really don't want to lose it because it is truly beautiful! I like to use the EOS in the morning and at night because it stays on longer for me. The Blistex on is great for on the go because of its easy application and its really cute-sy and travel sized.
These are the Spa Exfoliating wipes and they are so cool. They have these ting little exfoliating bumps on them which scrubs away all make up and gives the skin a good scrub. I like to use these when my skin is on the drier side because it gets rid of all those pesky flaky little skin bits and I moisturise immediately afterwards. These are coarse enough to scrub your skin to smoothness but are gentle enough to even use on your eyes!! Good bye waterproof eyeliner and mascara!

Similarly to the wipes, this is also an exfoliant. But this is not just an exfoliant, this guy has Juniper oil and peppermint oil plus it has Jojoba Microbeads in it which is what does the job of the scrubba dub dubbing! In contrast to the wipes, this scrub leaves my face feeling so moisturised and soft and it stays that way noticeably. It is free of parabens, sulphates, synthetic fragrances and colours as well and I haven't had a bad reaction to it even though it states it is for all skin types. (for some reason if it doesn't state that it's specially for dry or sensitive skin I wont tough it, I've gone down those roads before and it wasn't pretty!) I was given this as a present and I am truly glad because it's a staple now!
Hair Care.
To start off, I love the Herbal Essences Bee Strong shampoo and conditioner and not only for the punny name either! This is the only product I have tried that has left my hair feeling soft for literally 7 days afterwards. I did a test to see how long my hair would stay soft for as in the past shampoos and conditioners have left my hair feeling soft only for 1-2 days after the wash. To repeat myself, again, one of the things that comes with having dry skin, is having dry hair too. This stuff, I don't even know what's in it (magic? wizardry? time travel? ) but damn it's good.

With my hair being long, it can often get weighed down too, but with these nothing can defeat my volume! But you have to bee (god I need to let go of that pun!) careful or you will look like a scarecrow and I'm not joking either. The one on top, is Superdrugs own brand which does a pretty good job. The one on the bottom is the L'Oréal Elvive Styling mousse which is also a great mousse. But, I would use the Superdrug one only when know my hair will be put up because it gives such good volume you can tend to look frizzy with hair down so when I put my hair up I use this because it gives my hair that bit of umph that it needs rather than the sad droopy pony tail it used to be. And for when my hair is down, I like to use the L'Oréal one because it gives me the volume but keeps the sleekness so I don't look like a scarecrow!

This is a must for me, I ditched my actual hair brush around a month ago because I was astonished at all the hair that was coming out so I bought this James London Comb and I've been using it since. I felt like the brush was pulling out too much hair that needed to stay in my head! So I've switched to this comb and I can see a difference in the amount of hair that comes out. Plus I feel like this is cleaner because hair brushes have all those nooks and crannies that harbour bacteria and this comb has less places for bacteria to be in, so that's my theory!

Wow, Wow, Wow. This product is amazing. Sometimes I have to be careful because it's so good. When I go to work, I have to wear my hair up in case it gets into someone's food, so I put my hair in space buns and spray some of this in it and IT STAYS ALL DAY. And I don't just mean at work. I can do my hair at 9:00am and it will stay flyaway-free until I take it out in the evening. And when I take it out, I have to brush the product out. So if that description doesn't do it for you then I don't know what will! As you can see I love this product, please give it's slightly arrogant/shockingly pink packaging a chance too!

So, I bought this dry shampoo on a whim when I ran out of Batiste and didn't have the will power to spend more money on the Batiste which I would call average. I thought I'd give this one a chance and I can honestly say I like it better than the Batiste. I feel like Batiste only works for around an hour or so and then my hair goes back to the way it was, and this Asda one (I know it is a bit surprising) works wonders for me. Plus I absolutely love the smell of it!
So that was all of the things I put on my face and hair! Sorry that the date on the cover picture is wrong as well, when I made the collage i thought I was uploading that day but that didn't happen unfortunately! Again, well done forgetting this far!
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